lookeen index
lookeen index

TheLookeensearchsolutionusesapurpose-builtindexertocatalogueallofyourdata.TheindexenablessimultaneousdesktopsearchandOutlooksearch ...,IntheoptionsunderIndexyouhavetheoptiontoAddNewArchiveandthenbydoubleclickingonLookeenSharedIndexyoucanintegrate...

Lookeen 郵件搜索軟體郵件軟體


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The Lookeen search solution uses a purpose-built indexer to catalogue all of your data. The index enables simultaneous desktop search and Outlook search ...

Table of contents

In the options under Index you have the option to Add New Archive and then by double clicking on Lookeen Shared Index you can integrate new index sources.

Lookeen Desktop Search

Lookeen (visit us at https://lookeen.com) is an award-winning desktop search solution for Windows® users, which can be integrated into Microsoft Outlook®.

Lookeen Desktop Search (Standard Edition) Review

2015年8月18日 — Various options let you set Lookeen for how often to index and whether to index in real time, as each file is created or each email is written ...

Overview « Lookeen Server

It indexes all of the dispersed files and folders and creates a single, central company index. This index is searchable enterprise-wide by each employee within ...

Lookeen 郵件搜索軟體郵件軟體

Lookeen 郵件搜索軟體| 高達100GB的搜索範圍 確保無遺漏、高效查找 搜索項目包括電子郵件、附件、待辦事項、任務、便箋、聯絡人…等等 包含桌面搜索:查找電腦文件。

User Manual

In the options under Index you have the option to Add New Archive and then by double clicking on. Lookeen Shared Index you can integrate new index sources ...


TheLookeensearchsolutionusesapurpose-builtindexertocatalogueallofyourdata.TheindexenablessimultaneousdesktopsearchandOutlooksearch ...,IntheoptionsunderIndexyouhavetheoptiontoAddNewArchiveandthenbydoubleclickingonLookeenSharedIndexyoucanintegratenewindexsources.,Lookeen(visitusathttps://lookeen.com)isanaward-winningdesktopsearchsolutionforWindows®users,whichcanbeintegratedintoMicrosoftOutlook®...